Next Generation Biologics Manufacturing: Delivering the Vision, Yvonne Ledford Project Manager, Automation Engineering, Biogen
Date & Time
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Biogen has an ambitious goal of serving 1,000,000 patients with Alzheimer's Disease by 2020. To achieve this, Biogen is rethinking all aspects of their biologics manufacturing, from advanced controls and predictive models to improved testing and analytical instruments. To deliver on this critical mission, the Biogen Execution Systems are being developed to provide fully integrated, data-driven, electronic paperless manufacturing, warehouse management, and quality controls. This presentation will describe the business drivers behind Biogen's Next Generation Manufacturing, the novel approaches to achieve the scale and throughput required and the systems required to deliver the vision. The presentation will focus on the critical role that data systems, and specifically OSIsoft PI System, play and the key functions enabled by the data systems.